Individual Donors
$250,000 and above
Ann Howland Doerr and John Doerr
Denise Foderaro and Frank Quattrone
$100,000 - 249,999
Barbara and William Heil, Jr.
House Family Foundation
Franklin and Catherine Johnson
Judy and Erica Swanson
Charmaine and Dan Warmenhoven
The Anne Wojcicki Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Marimo Berk
Davidson Family Foundation
Grimm Family Fund
Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation
Lorry Lokey
Deedee McMurtry
Betty and Gordon Moore
The Moore Family Foundation
Jami Dover Nachtsheim and
Stephen Nachtsheim
The Scott Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Ann S. Bowers
Eileen and Christopher DiGiorgio
Connie and Jerry Held
Shannon and Joseph Kava
Gloria Chen and John Kibarian
Ludwick Family Foundation
Maureen Langan and Dave Mewes
Milligan Family Foundation
Amy and Matthew Sapp
Smith Family Foundation
John M. Sobrato
J.A. Unruh Family Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Barnholt Family Foundation
Janice and Thomas Berthold
Penelope and E. Ronald Blake
Mary Lee and Edward Cannizzaro
Casey and Jack Carsten
Gloria and Michael Chiang
Somesh Dash
Esther John and Aart de Geus
Susan and John Diekman
William H. Draper, III
Jennifer and Matias Duarte
Renu and Dhrumil Gandhi
Helen Geogerian
Tracy Young and Ralph Gootee
Barbara and John Glynn
Kenneth Haughton
Neeru and Vinod Khosla
Jaynie and Bill Kind
Janie and Wayne Lambert
Janine Pelosi
Josie and Daniel Perez
Christine and Tim Ritchie
Susan and Richard Roche
Donna Dubinsky and Leonard Shustek
Vadasz Family Foundation
Jack Wheatley
$5,000 - $9,999
Ariko Family Foundation
Bell Family Foundation
Stephanie D. Brown
Liz and Mark Centoni
Cushman Family Foundation
Kathy and James Deichen
Ana and Carl Eschenbach, Jr.
The Brett & Michelle Galloway Foundation
Stella B. Gross Charitable
Eva Grove
Darlene Markovich and Ron Haak
Melinda Borjon Heinlein and John Heinlein
Maureen and David Kennedy
Michele and Steve Kirsch
Katherine and James Lau
Kathleen and Smith McKeithen
Diane and Regis McKenna
Julie Packard
Jin and C.S. Park
Sathaye Family Foundation
Sita Foundation
Michelle and David Tang
$2,500 - $4,999
Jeryl and Ron Abelmann
Robert Bynum
Rita Chen and Colin Fan
Patricia and Martin Giles
Hitz Foundation
Shilin Jiang and Gregory Luth
Shawn and Douglas MacKenzie
Marnie Mar
Myriam Curet and Timothy McAdams
Jill and Tom McEnery
Kim Worsencroft and David L. McEvoy
Shara and David Morishige
Dona and Keith Munsch
Cindy and Randy Pond
Hal Powell
The Quattlebaum Family
Beth and Stephen Robie
Nicolette and Lindo St. Angel
Fred St. Goar
Mary Murphy and Mark Stevens
Kenneth Washington
Elizabeth Wilner
$1,000 - $2,499
Mala Anand
Mechelle and Emmanuel Barbara
Barbara and Frank Barone
Christina Barrese
Amy Barzdukas
Paul Billig
Chris Boyd
Sally and Rich Braugh
Karin and Steven Chase
Shari Clare
Sharon Jacobs and David Cohan
Sandi and Richard Conniff
Peggy and Yogen Dalal
Kim and Mohana Dissanayake
Celia and Jim Dudley
Joan and Alan Earhart
John A. Elliott
Concepcion and Irwin Federman
Elwanda and William Fenwick
Fischer Family Foundation
Gretchen Walker and Jason Feeman
Wanda and Lance Ginner
Janna Groisman and Aymeric Gisselbrecht
Susan Valeriote and Ken Goldman
Raquel Gonzalez
Hon Mai and Joseph Goodman
Dawn and Gary Guthart
Munira Shamim and Amer Haider
Jan Half
Arline and James Harper
Peggy Heiman
Cynthia and Betrand Irissou
Atsuko and Tim Jenks
Sanjeev Katariya
Sylvia and James Katzman
Wendy and Jim Kennedy
Robert S. Kieve Foundation
Jennifer Konecny
Michael and Ina Korek Foundation Trust
Jennifer and Randall Krenzin
Erica and Sathvik Krishnamurthy
Terry and Bill Krivan
Kelly Castellón and Brian Kroneman
Catherine Pierson Lego
Laura Becker-Lewke and Reynold Lewke
Diane Lovelace
Rosemarie and Dale Luck
Rhonda and Vinod Mahendroo
Ann and Robert Marangell
Christina and Greg Mayer
Lisa Morgan
Christopher Nelson
Janice Nelson
Pat O’Connor
Jennifer Ondrejka
Anthony and Maria Pappas
Penner Family Foundation
Jan and Don Provan
Cathy and Roger Quinlan
Catherine E. Rossi-Roos and Mark Roos
Kathleen Rydar
Simon Segars
Shadi Allen and Chad Seiler
Don Shepley
Cheryl and Lonnie Smith
Rachael Staudt and Douglas Soo
Judy and Erica Swanson
Connie and Rod Swanson
Teri and Christian Treille
Fiona O'Dwyer Vaillant
Rachel and Jon Wilner
Elizabeth Wolf
Linda and King Won
Nousheen Eslambolchi and Pete Woodhouse
Elizabeth Yin
Jo and Ed Zschau
$500 - $999
Anna and Sam Araki
Patrick Barrett
Nancy Beckman
David Bellshaw
Susan Bradford-Moore
Atul Butte
Elizabeth Carey
Robert Cook
Benjamin Fennema
Kanko Ganguly
Suzanne Garcia
Marilyn and Bob Garibaldi
Nancy Goebner
Heidi Gou
Jon Graff
Melanie and Christopher Harrell
Joanne Harrington
Diana and Robert Hirahara
Emily and Karen Holton
Brendan Ittelson
Ana Mendez and Rajeev Jayavant
Bonnie Kellogg
Caroline and Mark Kuperstock
Dan’l Lewin
Howard Lyons
Robert Mannell
Shuang Mao
Elizabeth Witter and Jeffrey Mayer
Christina and Webb McKinney
Mary Finegan and David Muskat
Punam Navalgund
John Navrides
Thomas Ngo
Alexander Ohlgart
Kevin Roche
Heather Rock
GiGi Romero-Brocchini
Dan Ruth
Janet Mangronbang and Yuri Saito
Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht
Diane Schweitzer and Steve Schramm
Melissa Sheridan
Meenakshi Singh
Cindy Pellissier and Ed Snyder
Janeen and Robert Sohigian
Beverly Smolich and Craig Stephens
Lana Tsang
Zhihong Wang
Blake Wigdahl
Dan Williamson
Steven Wong
Helena and James Yeh
Sandra and Daren Young
$250 to $499
Abigail Abanador
Ana Luz Acevedo-Cabrera
Ruben Adamyan
Mark Ahlem
Richard Allen
Diana Alvarez Kaba
Dudley Andersen
Lisa and Steve Anderson
Lucia Soares and Miguel Avila
Rosario Breach and Salvador Avila
Yvette Baird
Carla Baranowski
Kathy Kessler and Jim Beseau
Jessica Birkle
Janice Dorizensky and Eugene Blanchette
Elizabeth Boam
Oren Boiman
Dmitriy Bondar
Robert Boone
Susan Borkin
Mary-Anne Bosward
Anya Boynton
Adam Brandt
Robert Bravo
Molly Brenan
Kimberly Briggs
Nick Brown
David Bui
Janice Toyoshima and David Bungo
Lynn Kennedy and Michael Burke
Donna Butler Gates
Nadav Buzi
Maria Cabudoy
Frederic Calindas
Patricia Chavez
Kang Hua Chen
Xu Chen
Peter Cheng
Carolyn Chi
Vikram Chowdiah
Kymberly and Dan Christman
Johnny Chung
John Clingingsmith
Shemetta and Thomas Cobourn
Michael Coke
Laura Colletti
Linda and John Conover
Krista Conover
Carol Cook
Joan and Gary Cooper
Sebastian Jaime Correa Bulnes
Kristina Cortese Banks
Christopher Custer
Brian Davis
Erwin Deiparine
Carmen Deisman
Bill Delveaux
Nick Demszuk
Jian Deng
Kelly Dickerson
Diem Dao and Tony Diep
Tara and Edward Dowdell
Kathleen Drysdale
Mark Duggan
Angela Santos and Todd Dumo
Olga Dzhulay
Lingpo Elvey
Allison Lim and Tak Eng
Claudia Hill and Larry Enoksen
Rita Etscheid
Jennifer Fan
Audrey Fang
Masha Fisch
Hope Flamenco
Laura Foddrill
Sophie Horiuchi and Paul Forrester
Thomas Fortner
Laurie Froehlingsdorf
Tarra Fuchs-Knotts
Sahira Fuentes
Nancy Fujimoto
Chaya Fuss
Cecilia Gallegos-Shibya
Cunhao Gao
Jose Garcia
Elmer Garduno Hernandez
Leigh Gass
Marc Gemellos
Mehmet Genc
Dawn and Steven Gerdt
Sarah Giacomotto
Leanne and Peter Giles
Monty Gill
Kristin and William Gilmore
Donald Golden
Emilie Goldman
Jianmin Gong
Laurence Gonsalves
Jaquelina Gonzalez
Francis Gramkowski
Ann and Scot Granger
Martin Greenstein
Helene Grossman
Jinyan Guan
Iskara and Baldev Gupta
Bulbul Gupta
Alayne and Joseph Gyetvai
Joseph Haemer
William Halpin
Carol Harell
Dee Hashiguchi
Sam Hawkins
Yvonne and Joseph Head
Kristen Hedgecoe
Kathleen and Richard Hendricks
Risha Henry
Kathy Hesse
Ainsley Hill
Wayne Hill
Norma Hingle
Joseph Hoffman
Susan Holmes
Warangkana Homchan
Melody Hu
Ali Husain
Kelly Hyland
Sadahiro Iwamoto
Rambod Jacoby
Betty Jia
Zulema Jimenez
Maya and David Jio
Melissa Johns
Maulik Joshi
Kathryn Kalas
Bharati and Bharat Kamdar
Peggy and Mark Kaminsky
Yasmin Sheppard and Patricia Khan
Avani Khatri
Beth Kifle-Delgado
Heather Kim
Insook Kim
Seung Kim
Young Kim
Joanne Klein
Christine Klenow
Tim Ko
Joe Kochanski
Jill Kohlmeier
Lawrence Kong
Alexander Kotov
Gopal Krishnan
Ashish Kumar
Anita and Yucaipa Kwock
Beverly Kwong Shih
Brian Latimer
Violet Lee
Bethany Lewis
Michele and Bjorn Liencres
SM Lieu
Dave Lin
Frank Lin
Nellie Ling
Pinhung Lo
Janet Lopez
Sarita Lopez
Anna Lowe
Danielle Loyola
Summer Ludwick
Phyllis and Jerry Lun
Zhenhua Luo
Chi Kai Ma
Patricia Mack
Alyce and Dougal MacLise
Sonia and Thomas Maiello
Gretchen and James Mair
Edgar Marquez
Steven Marsh
Corinne Marshall
Claudia McCoy
Christina McElrath
Sarah and Larry McGee
Michael McLaughlin
Xiaoting Meng
Darcey Merriam
Archie Mesina
Carolyn Meyer
Mohammed Miah
Harold Miao
Neil Miyabe
Mohamed Abdul Malick Mohamed Usman
Sofia Morgan
Ana Henderson and Rand Morimoto
Lingyu Mu
Martin Mueller
Pritam Mungse
Elisa Muresan
Olga Muss
Vamsi Musunuru
Sunil Nagaraj
Shawn Nam
Mohammad Naveed
Amy Nguyen
Vanna Nguyen
Susan and Arnim Nicolson
Matthew Niehaus
Raylene Nisbet
Gail Nolan
Heili Nolan
Joelle Nunes
Sandy Ortez
Karen Osborn
Hiromi Otsuka
Tiffany Overbo
Tom Pace
Perry Partlow
Shannon Patin
Rajkumar Pattabi
Ruitao Peng
Isaac Perez
Rajan Perkash
Jennifer and Gary Peterson
Tam Phan
Brandi and Jeff Pinsker
Lisa Pioli
Juan Plascencia
Anitha Prakash
Farhan Qureshi
Sati Banerjee and Ganesh Rajan
Lauren Reedy
Juan Regalado
Joan Regester
Nina Rehman
Alexander Ren
Ernesto Rey
Gene Roberts
Nadia and Iben Rodriguez
Perla Rodriguez
Prisca Novita and Dirksen Rogers
Loren Romley
Richard Roy
Marissa Ruiz
Erica Rutledge
Christy Sage
Safieh Saib
Teddy Sakogawa
Beatrice Salinas
Miriam Salme
Cheryl Saroukhanoff
Debbie Schindler
Laura Schmidt
Lisa Gonzales and Erik Schoennauer
Carol and David Schwartz
Diane Huezo and David Scott
Maren Sederquist
Salvador Serafica
Dhwani Shah
Kamal Shah
Sandeep Sharma
Eliram Shatz
Noam Shazeer
Raymond Sheffield
Doron Shor Malca
James Shuma
Tal Sidi
Melissa Siemer
Jyoti Singh
Karam Singh
Subramanyan Siva
Durga Sivaramakrishnan
Ryan Smith
Lingling Song
Xiang Song
Deborah Sorci
Svetlana and Chris Spetzler
Lucas Bryant Spicer
Sarah Springer
Joseph Stetter
Yoon Suh
Tony Sum
Peggy Kelly-Sung and Harvard Sung
Myra Sutanto Shen
Grace Sy
Christine Tachner
Louie Talavera
Eric Tamura
Tawan Teopipithaporn
Lexus Thakham
Margaret and John Thompson
Shan Tillman
Micah Timmer
Ricardo Torres
Denise Tosh
Kristy Tran
Wen Kwang Tsao
Dannette Tucker
Ekaterina Tumanova
Larry Varghese
Hortencia Velazco
Radha Venkatraman
Sharmila Vijay
Ana Villa
Beth and Toby Villa
Chrystine Villarreal
Carmen Virgos
Pratul Wadher
Brian Waggenspack
Faiga Walfish
Diane and Clint Walker
Vicky Wan
Edith Cohen and Alexander Wang
Jan Wang
Billy Ward
Nancy Watson
WB Way
Jana Weaver
Yin Wei
Caron and Rick Whitacre
Nick Whyte
Anne Senti-Willis and Parker Willis
Kathleen and Ray Wilson
Leland Wolfe
Fern Wollrich
Chris Wong
Vincent Woo
Kathleen and Rich Woodward
Carrie and Cliff Woolley
Yufeng Wu
Zhiyuan Wu
Lianfang Xiao
Patricia Nakashima and Ken Yamamoto
Paul Yep
Donna and Lewis Yobs
Margaret Yost
Andy Yuan
Anthony Yvanovich
Carrie Zeisler
Jaimie Zeitzer
Xiaoqian Zhang
Yan Zhang
Jie Zhao
Joseph Zimmerman
Corporate, Foundation, Government Donors
$1,000,000 and above
City of San José
The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
National Institutes of Health
Applied Materials, Inc.
Dell Technologies
NetApp, Inc.
Siegel Family Foundation
Stanford Children's Health
Adobe Systems Incorporated
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America
eBay, Inc.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Mayfield Fund Foundation
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
host of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
National Science Foundation
PayPal, Inc.
Seagate Technology, Inc.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Amgen Foundation
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Delta Air Lines
Ford Motor Company
Genentech, Inc.
Koret Foundation
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
Marvell Semiconductor
Micron Technology Foundation
Quest Foundation
Resonance Philanthropies
Leo M. Shortino Foundation
Asset Management Company
Box, Inc.
First Tech Federal Credit Union
Goldman Sachs
Glynn Capital Management
Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co.
Heising-Simons Foundation
Hitachi Vantara
Juniper Networks
KLA Foundation
David H. Liu Foundation
Markkula Foundation
Micro Lithography, Inc.
Microchip Technology, Inc.
The Moca Foundation
oneZero Financial Systems
Palo Alto Networks Foundation
Renesas Electronics America, Inc.
Star One Credit Union
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Tech CU
Toeniskoetter Construction
Western Digital
Association of Science and Technology Centers
Atkinson Foundation
Best Buy Foundation
Robert E. and Adele Boydston Foundation
Cooley LLP
Forever Young Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Monolithic Power Systems
Northrop Grumman Corporation
NXP Semiconductor
Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner
Sharks Foundation
SK hynix
Stanford Blood Center
Synopsys, Inc.
Valley Water
Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Facebook, Inc.
Maxim Integrated
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
San Jose Water Company
Lexus of Stevens Creek
Phoenix DeVentures
In Kind
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Brassfield Estate Winery
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Event Architects
Fairmont Hotel San Jose
Google, Inc.
Robin Lehman Glass
J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines
Microsoft Corporation
National Geographic
United Airlines
The Tech Legacy Society
John G. Adler
Susan and John Diekman
Nancy S. Mueller and Bob Fox
Leanne H. and Peter B. Giles
Marion and Robert Grimm
Joan and Mike Hackworth
Maureen and David Kennedy
Karen and Richard King
Terry and Bill Krivan
Laura Becker-Lewke and Reynold Lewke
Lorry Lokey
Deedee and Burton McMurtry
Carole and Donald Norling
Marilyn and David Pratt
Charles H. Rulofson
Anne and Peter Thorp
Louise Hornor and Sean Welsh
Tech 3.0 Campaign
Ann S. Bowers
$1,000,000 - $9,999,999
William K. Bowes Jr. Foundation
Brin Wojcicki Foundation
Ann Howland Doerr and John Doerr
Ford Motor Company
Barbara and John Glynn
Bequest of Michael L. Hackworth
Franklin and Catherine Johnson Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Palo Alto Networks
Denise Foderaro and Frank Quattrone
Charmaine and Dan Warmenhoven
$500,000 - $999,999
El Camino Hospital
Google, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
$100,000 - $499,999
Abbott Vascular
Barnholt Family Foundation
Susan and John Diekman
Forever Young Foundation
Barbara and William Heil, Jr.
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
House Family Foundation
Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Krause Foundation
James and Rebecca Morgan Family Foundation
National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation
Jami Dover Nachtsheim and Stephen Nachtsheim
John Michael Sobrato Charitable Fund
The Swanson Family
$50,000 - $99,999
Mary Lee and Edward Cannizzaro
Casey and Jack Carsten
Cisco Foundation
Eileen and Christopher DiGiorgio
Geschke Foundation
Connie and Jerry Held
Gloria Chen and John Kibarian
Betty and Gordon Moore
Eliane and Armand Neukermans, Sr.
Josie and Dan Perez
Christine and Tim Ritchie
Santa Clara County
Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Sonja and Bill Davidow
Kathy and James Deichen
Drummond-Berk Family Fund
Robert Grimm
Brendan Iribe
Shannon and Joseph Kava
Joanne Harrington and Lorry Lokey
Susan and Dan'l Lewin
Joyce Milligan
Cheryl and Lonnie Smith
James P. Verhalen Family Foundation
Jack Wheatley
$10,000 - $24,999
Adobe Foundation
Christina and James Barrese
Penelope and Ronald Blake
Jennifer and Charles Boynton
Teresa Briggs
The Mary A. Crocker Trust
Esther John and Aart de Geus
Genentech, Inc.
Linda Yates and Paul Holland
Junior League of Palo Alto - Mid Peninsula
Worth and Andrew Ludwick
Marka and Bill May
Kathleen and Smith McKeithen
Karen and Mark McLaughlin
Michael Petersen
Bobbie and David Pratt
Cathy and Roger J. Quinlan
Renuka and Peter Relan
Amy and Matthew Sapp
Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner
Mauria Finley and Greg Yap
Sandy and Chris Yen
$5,000 - $9,999
Association of Science and Technology Centers
Renee and David Crawford
Lori and Joe Fabris
The Abe Farag Family Foundation
Mary Ellen and Michael E. Fox, Sr.
Jennifer and Randall Krenzin
Beverly and Kenneth Haughton
Cathy and Kevin Kimball
Jane and William Kind
The Lawrence Foundation
Monterey County Office of Education
Maria and Anthony Pappas
Dan Rose
Donna Dubinsky and Leonard Shustek
In Kind
Autodesk, Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
DNA2.0, Inc.
Gibson Dunn
Microsoft Corporation
NetApp, Inc.
NeuroSky, Inc.
Nvidia Corporation
Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE
Team San Jose, Inc.
2021 Committee Members
Young Women at The Tech Leadership Council
Courtney Blum, Leadership Council Chair, PwC
Diane Bryant, NovaSignal
Meaux Costello, Buckingham Strategic Wealth
Dr. Myriam Curet, Intuitive
Andy Dugacki, Chase Investments
Angela Harris, Ford Motor Company
Bev Huss, Pagonia Medical, Inc.
Mike Jacobson, Cooley
Katie Kirsch, Girl Possible
Rhonda Mahendroo, LeiLueur
Mika Mayer, Cooley
Douglas Portnow, Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner
Steve Schramm, Entrepreneur
Rupali Sharma, Take-Two Interactive
Nita Singh Kaushal, Miss CEO
Jacquie Stellmacher, Accuray
Maya Lis Tussing, Fairlight Advisors
The Tech Challenge Executive Committee
John Heinlein Ph.D., Executive Committee Chair, The Tech Board, Arm
George Apostol, Adviser
Greg Brown, Program Founder, STEM Consultant
Julia Chen, Cisco
Dan Christman, Marvell
John Decker, EY
Chris DiGiorgio, The Tech Board, Accenture (ret.)
Aymeric Gisselbrecht, The Tech Board, Renesas Electronics
Mike Heald, The Tech Board, Accenture
Bill Heil, The Tech Board
Chris Jacquet, Hitachi Vantara
Rami Kanama, Microchip Technology
Tina Knauss, The Tech Board, PwC
Ekta Sahasi, Spikeview Inc.
Roxana Shirkhoda, Zoom Video Communications
Lindo St. Angel, Amazon Lab126
Clémence Tiradon, eBay
The Tech for Global Good Ambassador Steering Committee
Cynthia Irrissou
Erica Krishnamurthy
Lisa Morgan
Chris Nelson
Jennifer Ondrejka
Kent Scott
Nikki St. Angel
Teri Treille
Nathalie Verma
The Tech for Global Good Executive Committee
Patrick McGovern, The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Chair
Marimo Berk, The Tech Board, The Creekside School
Chris DiGiorgio, The Tech Board, Accenture (ret.)
Nousheen Eslambolchi, Visby Medical
Pascal Finette, Singularity University
Gerald D. Held, Ph.D., The Tech Board, The Held Group
Shannon Hunt-Scott, The Tech Board, The Scott Foundation
Siobhan Kenney, Applied Materials
Rick Levenson, Rippleworks
Jami Nachtsheim, The Tech Board, Intel (ret.)
Anna Schlegel, NetApp
Doug Scott, Tectonic Video
Judy Swanson, The Tech Board, The Swanson Foundation
Teri Treille, Ambassador Steering Committee Liaison
Roxi Wen, Mozilla
Sean White
© 2021 by The Tech Interactive
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