Algae String

We use plastic objects every day. But what is plastic? If we zoomed in for a closer look, we'd see that it’s made of lots of long molecule chains called polymers. Most of today's plastics are made in a lab and not environmentally friendly, but nature can make useful polymers too! For example, natural rubber and paper are both created from natural polymers that are biodegradable. In this activity you will use polymers made by algae and a bit of chemistry to create your own custom string!
Design Challenge
Create your own colorful string creations using ingredients that come from algae. Then craft fun things with your string!
Biodesign, Chemistry, Materials Science
Make algae gel: 20 min
Let gel rest: 1 hr- overnight
Make calcium bath: 5 min
Make string: 30 min
Key Concepts
Polymers, chemical reactions, biomaterials, fiber arts
This activity was made possible by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), Grant Number R25 GM129220, from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).