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Energy Red Light, Green Light


This activity is a fun exploration of energy concepts for children 5 to 9, and can be used as their exercise/outside time for the day too! 

In this game, kinetic energy is a “green light” and potential energy is a “red light.” 

  • Kinetic energy is motion energy. Think of some examples with your family, like a car moving down a ramp,  a rubber band flying through the air, a falling object, or people running around. 

  • Potential energy is energy an object has even though it is not moving (it has the potential to do something). Think of some examples with your family, like a car at the top of a ramp, a stretched rubber band, an object held out in front of you, or your muscles at rest. 


Physical Sciences




20 minutes

Key Concepts

Energy: potential and kinetic


If you think this looks fun, wait ‘til you try these!

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